Friday, January 2, 2009

miss me?

been wondering where i have been? i know i said i was going to start my 101 on january 1st at latest, but that obviously hasn't happened seeing as it is now january 2nd and i haven't even posted my final list yet. normally, i would get upset with myself for not sticking to the original date, but i'm trying to go easy on myself in 2009. its going to be a good year for me; i can feel it. so why be hard on myself? you're right. no reason at all.

anyway. i have this weird obsession with dates. i think there are good dates and bad dates. for example, i quit smoking on 11/1/2007. i could have quit on 10/29/2007, but i didn't feel like that number worked for me. anyway, i've decided i am going to start my 101 in 1001 list tomorrow, 1/3/2009 for a couple of reasons.

the first reason is that tomorrow is a special day for me. it is my nephew's first birthday. so this is obviously one of the best dates in the entire year. the second reason is that day 1001 is 10/01. am i the only person who notices how awesome that is. what a coincidence!

so there. see, instead of beating myself up for not starting the 101 list as planned, i just found a better way to approach the beginning.

oh, yeahhhhh...big things are going to happen tomorrow. you just wait and see!