i've got an update for you. i'm doing big things!
#4- send flowers for no reason
i actually did not send anyone flowers since the last update. the reason i am writing about this is because i was actually going to send flowers to someone, but then i realized i had a REASON to send flowers to them. think about it. when sending flowers, there is always a reason. even if you only send them because you happen to be thinking about someone, that is still a reason!!! anyway, next time i think i will be a little easier on myself in regards to sending flowers "for no reason."
#6- donate 10 bags of clothing, etc to charity
well, i tried to get some spring cleaning done, so as of right now, i've got three large trash bags filled with clothing to bring to salvation army. i haven't brought them because i am thinking i might have one or two bags, and i figured it would be much easier just bringing them all together.
#9- i'm still working on organizing my bills.
not complete because i can only do a little at a time since i am so busy with school, but it is getting there!
#28- support local restaurants, businesses, etc.
well, i brought my niece to newport creamery to get some ice cream. she was having a sleep over at my house, so i did her makeup, let her play with my jewelry and then took her on a date. she loved it!
also, i went with my friends to a restaurant called paragon and a bar called spats. we've been to them before, but i am including them because they are still indep. restaurants.
i also got my nails done again, so i supported my nail tech. lol. expensive, expensive, expensive!
#35- i do not have any new pictures for the 100 pics project, but i do actually have a few ideas of pics i would like to take, so i will get started on that soon.
#43- i believe it is definitely time for my bimonthly pictures of myself.
this one above was taken on 4/25/09 i was in a cleaning fit. def. a spring cleaning moment!
this one was taken today on 4/30/09 at work. thats why i look a mess!
#49- well this item is actually going to be complete next month...I'M GOING ON A CRUISE! how exciting is that? i am beyond stoked. i'm going with my best friend amy. the person she was originally going with wasn't going to be able to make it, so i'm in! i cannot even believe how cool this is. and i'm so excited, i don't think i could even express all my excitement. i will be going to haiti, jamaica, grand cayman and the bahamas. originally i was supposed to go to mexico, but they rerouted us to the bahamas. thank goodness. if i got the swine flu, i would probably blog even less than i do now... and i don't want to do that!
#57- i've actually completed another item.
i applied for my passport. i actually had to pay double to expedite my passport, but whatever. i haven't gotten it in the mail yet, but my check has been cashed and i don't have any type of criminal record, so i think i will be A okay :)
#62- i tried but i failed!
i did do one of my five nablopomos i wanted to do, but i failed because i missed a day. oh well, i tried. 4 more to go. lets see if i can actually pull off a real completed one before this ends!
#63- i am doing an excellent keeping up with my weekly journal writings. totally getting into a groove, and i can really appreciate looking back and seeing how much i have written. i usually write in a journal for a month or two then a whole year will go by and so many major parts of my life have not been written about. so this weekly thing is keeping me on point!
#57- i've actually completed another item.
i applied for my passport. i actually had to pay double to expedite my passport, but whatever. i haven't gotten it in the mail yet, but my check has been cashed and i don't have any type of criminal record, so i think i will be A okay :)
#62- i tried but i failed!
i did do one of my five nablopomos i wanted to do, but i failed because i missed a day. oh well, i tried. 4 more to go. lets see if i can actually pull off a real completed one before this ends!
#63- i am doing an excellent keeping up with my weekly journal writings. totally getting into a groove, and i can really appreciate looking back and seeing how much i have written. i usually write in a journal for a month or two then a whole year will go by and so many major parts of my life have not been written about. so this weekly thing is keeping me on point!
yes, that is my real journal below.
#66- grace in small things is moving along well.
today i actually wrote the 50th gist out of 365 :)
#74- i went to a red sox game! yay! it was my first game of the season and i loved every single second of it. fenway park is like a second home to me. i feel so good when i am there. and i am going again next week! my brother and i are bringing our mother and other brother to a game on may 8th for their birthday presents. (my mom's bday is actually the day of the game)
#83- i have completed my 30 straight days of vitamins challenge. so this goal is actually complete as well! i'm still taking the vitamin D until i go get my blood drawn and see the results in a few weeks. so we will see what comes of that!
#88- pay off my credit cards.
well this one is difficult. i actually didn't get the interest rate i wanted on the loan i applied for, so i decided to just forgo the loan and pay down my cards myself. it was a limited time offer from the bank, and i guess i didn't submit the application in time, so whatever! but since the last post, i have been doing great paying my loans off. i see a bright future ahead when it comes to getting out of debt. i think it will actually be sooner than i thought if i stick to my budget. the only thing that is screwing me is this cruise. because if you add up all the costs including excursions, miami overnight, booze, shopping, etc. i think i might spend between 1,500 and 2,000. my theory is that i'm not going on this cruise and pinching pennies. i want to go on all the excursions i possibly can...even if they are expensive. it isn't everyday i get to climb a 600ft waterfall or helmet dive with sting rays. so if i rack up a bill, then so be it. i'm only young once. i just need to stay dedicated to this budget and i'll have that paid off in no time. plus, i already have about 500 to go towards the trip, so i think i am in good shape ;)
#90- i am doing great keeping up with my spreadsheet for bills and my budget. it is really keeping me on track. so thanks fabulously broke! its working. y'all should check her out.
#91- pay off my car loan
i wanted to introduce this item into my posts, because i am in fact paying my car off every month in this project. i get it payment automatically deducted from y bank account so i'm on track with this item. i was thinking of paying it off quicker by making extra payments, but i won't do that until i eliminate my debt and save a large emergency fund. the interest rate is so low that i'm not worried about it at all.
and thats all folks! aren't you so glad you know all these random facts ;)
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