you ready for your update?
first, even though i am probably being too hard on myself, i should say i decided to be "honest" and take some of the things on my list which are currently in italics (which means i am working on them) OUT of italics. i know i am trying to take on a whole bunch at once, but i don't want to make it look like i am working on things which i really am not. i obviously will get back to work on them... maybe even real soon as i start my spring cleaning... but for now, they are coming out of italics.
those things were:
#10 (organizing bookshelves)
#21 (getting fenway trained)
#40 (vision board)
#64 (writing book reviews)
okay, moving on to some super stupendous news! i finished another item!
#5: leaving a $10 tip for a meal less than $10 dollars.
i didn't realize yesterday that the bill was "supposed" to be under $10, so i guess if you want to be technical, i didn't complete this number "correctly." but then today, when i sat to write this entry, i though. when the hell am i going to go out and spend less than $10 on my bill? umm, i wish. that would be one pretty thing, but i doubt that will happen. so yesterday, i had a real small bill ($16.99) and left a $15.00 dollar tip. our bartender was EXCELLENT, which i barely ever see anymore,, so she deserved it.
okay, so here are the items i am currently working on:
#3 i donated 300 grains for rice. i was bored at work, and it was the end of the day, so i figured, what the heck... lets play some trivia! now i only have 99,700 grains to go!
#18 eat at new to me restaurants... well, i try NOT to go to chain restaurants while working on this number, but i did go to smokey bones this week, and it is a new to me restaurant. actually, this is where i left my $15 tip! also, i went to a restaurant called Fours in boston before the celtics game. wow, what a wait! but the food was pretty good, and there were a lot of hot guys there! so this brings me to 5 out of my 20 restaurants... which means i am 1/4 complete. cool :)
#28 support local independent businesses: i went to somerset creamery, a local amazing ice cream shop about a week ago. i wanted to go on the day they opened, but i missed it and went about a week after they opened.... and i STILL had to wait in a HUGE line!
#29: support one local new to me independent business every month. in march, i went to Depolzelli Bakery to pick up some bakery pizza and treats. the emerson's were up from GA and it was dave's birthday, so we went to get him so special treats for his party :)
#35: i started working on my goal to take 100 specific pictures. so far i have completed numbers 19, 60 and 63.
the first one i took is number nineteen: within
#39: i am ready to begin my cork frame. well, not really. but i do have my very first cork! i got it while i was drinking with amy and joie at amy's apartment. it was a fun night. amy pretty much played dress up the entire time (with clothes she just bought to go on a cruise) and we all drank! i got some great pictures too!
#43: i've done a good job keeping up with my bimonthly pictures. in the one above, i had just got home from work and had to run in my house from my car because it was downpouring! i think this picture was taken 4/3/09
i'm the above picture, i am all a mess. i'm trying to build a desk and take a pic all at the same time!
#62 and #66: i'm excited about this one, because i find it very challenging!!! i am doing another nablopomo! april 2009- but this one is difficult! see, i am combining my nablopomo and its theme: growing (up) with my daily grace in small things posts!.....and instead of listing five things i am thankful for everyday, i am listing one, and writing about it more in detail. THAT MEANS I AM DOING NUMBERS 62 AND 66 AT ONCE! wow.
#63: i am still doing excellent writing in my journal every week. its actually nice to see how much i have actually recorded in my journal. i am really glad i am doing this goal! oh, and i am on week 15!
#74: i am going to my first red sox game (of the year) in 7 days! yahoo. i'm sure i will post all about this on my other blog, and i can guarantee i will take loads of pictures to post on here!
#80: i am working on finding the perfect red lipstick. i did find one i *like*. i don't LOVE it, but it is okay. i'll have to ask amy for the name, because it is her lipstick. also, i think sarah might have taken a picture of me at some point the night i wore it out, so if so i will ask her to send it to me, so i can post it on this blog! BUT i have also found some AWFUL lipsticks that don't look good on me. i have a family member who sells avon, so she got me this HUGE sample of lipsticks, haha maybe as a joke i will try on every red lipstick and take a picture and post it on here. trust me. with skin as pale as mine, i look like a clown sometimes!
#83: well if you read my other blog, you will know that i have recently got some possibly bad medical news. basically one of my issues is that i am extremely deficient in vitamin D. so since last week i have been taking thousands of mg daily. so, i am on day 8 of taking a vitamin daily for a month! lol. i need to do this to be healthy ;)
#88: pay off credit cards. well, lets just say i am waiting on this one. i applied for a personal loan with an EXTREMELY LOW interest rate. i think i will find out the beginning of nest week if i got it. if i did, then i will be able to completely take the balances off all my cards, and then i SHOULD be able to pay my loan off within a year. how freaking wonderful is that??!??!
#90: i am also still working on trying to download my bills on a spreadsheet and budget. i am doing pretty well, but because it is really detailed i need to just sit down one day and enter everything... that way i will be up to date and pretty much done with this goal. then all i will have to do is stick to the spreadsheet and budget!
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